20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke

20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke
20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke
20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke
20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke
20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke
20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke
20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke

20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke
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After lifting, it can be removed fastly, but the connected hose cannot be used to pull the cylinder. Since the jack’s lift stroke is short, please never exceed the rated stroke to avoid defects. Feature: Oil pipe coupling with ZG3/8 thread, quick connecting head with dust cover, preventing the jack’s inside from dust. Hand pump can used with hydraulic jack, hydraulic puller, split hydraulic clamp, pipe bender, punching machine, hydraulic door opener. Non slip operation handle increases flexibility and convenience. The low-profile hydraulic pad lifting cylinder features a smooth surface with circle texture, so not easy to roll ove. With 1m hose, and interface protection spring to protect the hose joints not easy to breaking Specification: High Pressure Output: 60kg/cm² Low Pressure Output: 20kg/cm² High Pressure Oil Quantity: 2CC Oil Storage: 400CC Hydraulic Oil Tubing Length: 1m Net weight: 17.6LBS Gross weight: 19.9LBS Package Size: 15”L7”W6”H Package include: 1 X 20T Hydraulic Cylinder 1 X Hand Pump 1 X User Manual. Thank you for your understanding. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items. We strive to provide our customers with the best products and services possible. Please give us the opportunity to resolve any problems and we will try our best to satisfy your needs. We provide special tier prices for wholesale orders. If you are interested, please leave us a message! This item is in the category “Business & Industrial\Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Pumps & Plumbing\Hydraulic & Pneumatic Cylinders”. The seller is “alwaysmove123″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Unbranded
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Unknown
  • Custom Bundle: No
  • Cylinder Action: Single-Acting
  • Cylinder Type: Compact Cylinder
  • Modified Item: No
  • Suitable Media: Hydraulic Fluid

20 Ton Low Profile Hydraulic Ram Jack Cylinder and Hand Cp 180 Pump Sets Stroke